Sunday 24 November 2013


Hello All!

I am brand new to this so this is my first blog!

Just want to take this opportunity to inform you of my latest book, WHY I QUESTION THE ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH.

More than twenty years ago I wrote a series of articles entitled, WHY I QUESTION THE ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH. These articles were published in various parts of the world and were extremely well received.

Since that time, I've done extensive research and, based on those original articles, have written a book of the same name. Is Roman Catholicism the same as mainline Christianity? Are the differences important? Was Peter the first pope? Was Mary sinless? Was she a perpetual virgin? Can she hear and answer our prayers? What about the mass? Why don't Protestants practice it? These questions and more are addressed in WHY I QUESTION THE ROMAN CATHOLIC FAITH. 

What are the real differences between Catholics and Protestants and do these differences really matter? Don't Catholics use the same Bible? Why don't Protestants seem to love Mary, the mother of Jesus, as the Catholics do? Why does one see Jesus hanging on a cross in Catholic churches while the cross in Protestant churches is empty? On and on the questions go, as they have for centuries. But what's the big deal? Is there a big deal? Should there be a big deal??? 

This book is sure to inspire some while angering others. It will bless some readers but infuriate others. The bottom line, however, is the hope and prayer that it will lead the reader to understand more about the living Lord Jesus and what He had to say about many of these matters. 

An excellent resource for any questioning Roman Catholic as well as interested non-Catholics who wish to know more about these monumental differences.